This page is not really about "news" per se. It´s more a collection of some of the things I have been doing over the recent years of my life. Many things are left out mainly because I don´t have any recollection of them. Needless to say it is of little importance unless some musichologist will find it interesting for some reason in the future. For me I need to keep it as memories. That´s all. I guess that the 90ties was were most of the action in my performance life was. But I never cared to keep track of that time. Here the story begins in 2014 where in fact my "fame" was already declining since some time.
14 January Premiere of ”Electric Birds” in Paris
10-13 March Solo Concerts in Lille (France)
3 April Performance of ”Grooves ” in Montreal
1-21 April Creating a new commission from Musique et Recherche in Brussels
24 April Solo concert in Malmoe, Sweden ”Acousmatic for the people”
5 June Performance of ”La vie mécanique” in Barrranquilla, Colombia
7 June Performance of ”Grains of Voices” in Galliate, Italy
15 June Performance of ”Raw” in ZKM, Karlsruhe, Germany
23 June Performance of ”La Vie Mécanique” in Corfu, Greece
26 June Performance of ”Raw” in Oslo, Norway
5 July Solo concert at Grimeton Radio transmission station (world culture heritage), Sweden
17 July Performance of ”Necropolis” at Montpellier festival, France
20 August Performance of ”La vie mécanique” in Sofia, Bulgaria
Sept. 23 - Oct. 8 Touring in Mexico
25 September Outdoor concert at Universidad Sor Juana Mexico City
26 September Raindog plays late night club gig
27 September Outdoor concert at Fonoteca, Mexico City
3 October Concert at CMMAS, Morelia
6 October Lecture at Centro Multimedia, Mexico City
November Composing Transmissions II comissioned by The Swedish Broadcast corporation
24 Januari Premiere of Transmissions II at Arts Birthday Party in Stockholm
30 January Concert in Brest (France)
10 February Premiere of Growl! at Léspace du Son festival in Brussels
2 March Concert at the music conservatory in Gothenburg
27-29 March Premiere and performance of ”The invisible stage” dance theatre (The seventh sense)
20-25 May Concert and lectures at Stanford University
29 May Concert and release of new CD Growl! in Monaco
22-23 June Recording Cikada duo in Oslo for new CD release planned for spring 2016
July Composing new piece for Horn and electronics comissioned by Sören Hermansson
3 October Outdoor concert at Casa del lago, Mexico City + premiere of ”Lucid Spaces” sound installation
7-10 October Concert and lecture at Visiones Sonoras festival in Morelia, Mexico
16-20 October Concert and lecture during Zeppelin festival in Barcelona
16 October Premiere of ”Dark Harbour” for Horn and electronics during GAS festival
6 November Receiving Red Dot design award in Berlin
6 November Performance of ”Dark Harbour” at Sounds of Stockholm festival
24-29 Januari Masterclasses and concert at Conservatoire de Paris
12-16 May Lecture, CD release of Growl and concert at University of Sheffield
6 June Opening of the installation Echoes at Järnhallen in Gothenburg
11 June Noise performance at 24m2 in Gothenburg
13-23 June Residency at Kungsbacka Theatre outside Gothenburg
5 July Lecture and concert in Visby, Gotland, Sweden
23 July Project work in Genth, Belgium
10-13 August Keynote speech at ICMC convention in Utrecht, Holland
19-20 Januari Interactive theatre workshop in Helsinki, Finland
4 February Concert at Atalante Theatre, Gothenburg
22 March Concert in LeHavre, France
23 March Concert Berlin, Germany
5-13 May Touring in Mexico
11-14 July Lectures and concert in Köln, Germany
2-9 September Workshops and concerts in Kiev, Ukrain
22-25 September Concert in Vienna, Austria
1-21 March Resedency in Lisbon. Composing Dark Matter, workshop and concerts
in Lisbon, Oporto, Castello Branco and Seia
1 June- Working with choreographer Gun Lund with a new interactive dance performance
9 September Concert in festival Journes haut parlants, Fabrezan, France
10-30 September Resedency in Lisbon. Composing Hells Kitchen, masterclasses, CD release and concerts
3 november Concert in France
5-20 February Residency and composing of Blow Up II in Lille France commissioned by Lille National orchestra.
I spent the rest of this year composing Louder than life. Most likely other things happened but my calender is void of information.
2-6 february Concert and workshop in Vienna.
13-21 March Concerts and workshop in Lisbon.
Composed Lounge lizzard and String quartet II.